Maclean's, Canada's National Magazine, January (Jan. ) 15, 1941, Vol. 54, No. 2 - Robert W. Service
Toronto: The Maclean Publishing Company, Limited, 1941. First Edition. Single Issue Magazine. Harold; Aldwinckle, Eric. 48 pages. Cover photo of air gunner. Features: They Marched Up the Hill - premiers debate the Sirois Report; So I Have a Mild Face! - photo-illustrated article on author Robert W. Service; He's in the Navy Now - two fantastic pages of photos of Canadian sailor William (Bill) A. Caskie as he undergoes training; Lord Halifax - Diplomatic Riddle; T.T.C. - excellent photo-illustrated two page feature on the history of Toronto's street railway system; Ask Doctor Mac (New Brunswick's Dr. William MacIntosh). Fiction: The Be-Still Tree; Hungry Fighter - tale of a young man forced to box for money, but the author better known for his many Hardy Boys books; Achilles and Willie; She Wrote Finis (serial). Beautiful colour (red) ad for the International panel van inside front cover. Dodge car ad. Oldsmobile car ad. Dodge stake truck ad; Nice Fargo truck ad with illustrations of eleven models. Nice Chevrolet truck ad features 1941 grill; Plymouth car ad. Unmarked with moderate weaer. Binding intact. A sound copy of this vintage wartime issue.; Folio - over 12" - 15" tall; Maclean's, Canada's National Magazine, January (Jan.) 15, 1941, Vol. 54, No. 2 - Robert W. Service Sirois Report; So I Have a Mild Face! - photo-illustrated article on author Robert W. Service; He's in the Navy Now - two fantastic pages of photos of Cana. Good .

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USD 295.00 [Appr.: EURO 271.25 | £UK 227.75 | JP¥ 43600]
Keywords: ' Canada' (. ) 15 1941 . 54 . 2 . ; ! Illustrated . ; 's Back Issues Transportation